Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Latin Roots #1

  1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
  2. ali, alter: another, other
  3. am: at/ to love
  4. anim: life, spirit, soul
  1. agenda: a list of things to be considered or done
  2. agile: able to move quickly and easily
  3. alienate: to cause (someone) to feel that she or he no longer belongs in a particular group, society, etc.
  4. altercation: a noisy or angry argument
  5. amiable: friendly and pleasant
  6. amorous: having or showing strong feelings of sexual attraction or love
  7. animated: produced by the creation of a series of drawings, pictures, etc., that are shown quickly one after another : produced through the process of animation
  8. equanimity: calm emotions when dealing with problems or pressure
  9. inalienable: impossible to take away or give up
  10. inanimate: not living : not capable of life
  11. magnanimous: having or showing a generous and kind nature
  12. reactionary : pertaining to, relating to, marked by, or favoring reactionespecially :  ultraconservative in politics

  1. With the new school schedule I wish I had an agenda, so I don't forget to do homework for one of my six classes.
  2. The old lady is no longer agile.
  3. The young girl was alienated because she didn't dress like all her "friends".
  4. The parents altercation caused the kids to cry.
  5. She was amiable to the new student at school.
  6. The married couple of twenty years still had amorous for one another.
  7. My favorite animated movie is Up.
  8. The young girl learned to have equanimity in order to be strong for her little sister after the death of their parents.
  9. The stuffed toy bunny rabbit was inalienable to the little girl.
  10. The little girls best friend was her toy bunny even though is was inanimate.
  11. The girl was voted prom queen for being magnanimous
  12. The subject was not reactionary to the students, but they still had an opinion on the matter.

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