Tuesday, August 26, 2014

BOR Essay

Me As the Youngest Child

       As the youngest child the birth order research described me perfectly. It said that I was many things. The ones I related to the most were absentminded, impatient, vivacious, precocious, uncomplicated, and that I blame others for stuff. My own life experiences helped me relate to these words even more.
       Two words that the research says I am is absentminded and impatient. I am constantly getting in trouble for being absentminded. I am fully aware that I show a lack of attention. One time I was in science class and my teacher was explaining what to do for a project and I wasn't paying attention. So, then I heard my teacher say to get to work and I was completely lost. I try to fight it, but I'm a daydreamer. I am also very impatient. I have mini heart attacks in the morning before school because I have to wait for my sister. She has to put on her makeup and she always puts her heels on right before we are about to leave, so it stresses me out. Which is why I am impatient. These are just two ways that the research describes me right. There are still many words that describe me from the birth order research.
       Two other words from the research that are like me are vivacious and precocious. Me being vivacious actually explains a lot. Literally ever guy friend I've had ended up crushing on me. I'm normally not myself in front of guys I like or don't know, but I am in front of my guy friends. Which would explain why they like me because apparently vivacious is an attractive quality. The research also says that I am precocious. My mom said that I have always been precocious. Since I was about two years old I would use words like incredible, hilarious, and delicious rather than great, funny, or good. I know it is kind of hard to believe, but my mom always used words like that in front of me, so I picked up on it. There are still a couple more words that the research used to describe me that I believe are quite accurate.
       The last two words that describe me from the research are uncomplicated and that I blame others. I am pretty straightforward and an open book, so I can see how that can be classified as uncomplicated. My family and friends all seem to know what I would want or what to get me. Even if they don't get the right thing I don't make a big deal about it because at least they tried, so I can see how that is an uncomplicated reaction. Another characteristic from the birth order research is that I blame others. I basically do this just to tick people off. It's hilarious. Especially when I do it to my sister. I can even come up with a way that makes it seem like their fault not mine. They even start to believe me. I sometimes say that I am kidding and take the blame, but not always. These six words from the research sum me up entirely. I couldn't believe that I am the way I am because I'm the youngest child.
       In conclusion, the birth order research accurately describes me as the youngest child. The research was pretty much spot on. There was only like two things that I would disagree on, but the rest was completely right. The research even helped me better understand myself as I compared the words to me. It explained a lot of things for me. Such as why I am the way I am.

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