Thursday, November 13, 2014

Literature Analysis #2

The Road by Cormac McCarthy is about a man and his son's journey to the south during an apocalypse. Along this journey they encounter many troubles such as starvation, illness, and cannibalism. These things give the novel suspense which is what compelled me to keep reading the novel. Just when you think that death is upon them something happens like them finding more supplies or a good place for shelter. The reason that the father is taking his son on this journey is because he knows that in the North they wouldn't be able to survive the weather. Even though it seems as though the father won't survive anywhere. Throughout the story the father coughs blood and the author explains how he is weak. This is the biggest reveal in the end because you want the father to live, but you don't find out until the very end of the novel what becomes of the father and his son.
The main theme of the novel is you can never say for sure that you would do something until the time comes when you have to do it. I believe that it is this because throughout the novel the father contemplates about the idea of having to kill his son. He wonders if he would actually be able to do it even though he knows that it would be to save his son from the cannibals.
My connection to this book is the love that the father has for his son. I can relate to this because I have a really close relationship with my mom and my sister. We always say that it is us against the world and in the novel it really was for the father and son. The father would give his son the little food they had and sometimes take none for himself and that is how my mom is. So this is how I was able to connect to the book.


  1. Sounds like a good book. I can relate to tight knit bounds I have that with both of my parents

  2. I read this book for my last lit analysis and i like the theme that you went, and like you guys I agree, me and my family are very close as well.
