Sunday, December 14, 2014

Latin Roots#7


  1. duc(t), duce: to lead
  2. fed(er), fid(e): faith; trust
  3. fin(e): end; limit
  4. flect, flex: to bend
  1. aqueduct: a large pipe or other conduit made to bring water from a great distance
  2. conductive: tending to lead, help, assist, or result in
  3. definitive: completely accurate, reliable, and authoritative; decisive or conclusive
  4. fidelity: faithfulness to one's promises or obligations; steadfast faithfulness; technological faithfulness
  5. fiduciary: an individual who holds something in trust for another; a trustee
  6. finale: a "grand" conclusion, as of a performance; the last scene of a play
  7. finite: limited or bordered by time or by any measurement; measurable
  8. flexuous: winding in and out; bending and wavering
  9. inducement: anything used or given to persuade or motivate; an incentive
  10. inflection: a slight change in tone or modulation of the voice, as in a point of emphasis
  11. perfidious: characteristic of one who would intentionally betray a faith or trust; treacherous
  12. traduce: to speak falsely of; to slander or defame; to disgrace another's good name; to vilify
  1. We learned about aqueducts in history.
  2. The teenager was conductive to the old lady everyday after school.
  3. Some people find the internet definitive even though sometimes it isn't.
  4. The marriage of the young couple was pure fidelity.
  5. Her granddaughter was the old ladies fiduciary.
  6. The finale of the play was the best part.
  7. After finding out that she was sick she knew that her life was finite.
  8. The pattern on the fabric was flexuous.
  9. The runners family acted as an inducement by waiting at the finish line.
  10. While acting the young actor spoke in an inflection tone to show that she was powerful.
  11. The family saw the fiancees true perfidious nature, but the young girl was too in love to reason.
  12. The love stricken girl thought her family was traduce towards her fiancee. 

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