Sunday, November 16, 2014

Latin Roots #6


  1. corp(or): body
  2. cred: to believe; to trust 
  3. cur(r): to run; to flow
  4. dic(t): to speak or to say
Word List

  1. benediction: the innovation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religious service; a blessing or state of blessedness
  2. concourse: a running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; a crowd or throng
  3. concurrent: occurring at the same time; meeting or acting together
  4. corporal: related to the physical body
  5. corpulent: very stout; fleshy and obese; fat
  6. credibility: the quality of being believable or trustworthy
  7. credulity: the willingness to believe too easily without proof
  8. cursory: done in a superficial or hasty manner
  9. dictum: an authoritative saying or maxim
  10. incorporate: to form into one body or functioning unit; to combine several different things into a whole
  11. incredulous: not believing, skeptical, or doubting
  12. indicative: characteristic of or very much like; suggestive
  1. The family felt great benediction after finding out that their daughter survived the plane crash.
  2. The young woman gets claustrophobic when in a concourse
  3. The mother and daughter found it funny that they made the same dinner for their families concurrently without knowing.
  4. The lady was relieved to find out that her symptoms were not corporal, but mental.
  5. The little girl went from a corpulent figure to a stunning young woman.
  6. My sister has great credibility because she can't tell a lie.
  7. I try not to have credulity because I have been known to fall for some crazy stories.
  8. The ladies cursory ways was the reason she had no friends.
  9. The Miranda Rights are a dictum.
  10. The boyfriend tried to incorporate all of his girlfriends likes into one present.
  11. The detective gave the suspect an incredulous look because he knew the suspect was lying.
  12. The child was indicative to his mother.

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