Sunday, December 14, 2014

Literary Analysis #3

The Battle Between Generations
In the novel The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan there is eight characters, four mothers and four daughters. All of these character’s stories are about how things were different when they or their mother’s were younger. Each generation handled their problems different and had different ideas about certain things. One difference is that the mother’s couldn't just get a divorce when they no longer loved their husbands. Another difference is that the mother’s were raised to respect their mothers, but some decided to raise their daughters differently and allow them to have their own voice. This is one of the main reasons that the daughters didn't really take their mother’s life lessons and superstitions seriously.
The main difference of the generations is how they handled love. This is also due to the fact that they lived in different countries. Most of the mothers had arranged marriages and were raised to please their husbands. While the daughters married who they wanted and had a different mind set. They felt that they should be treated equal with their husbands. In addition the daughters were allowed to get a divorce if they were unhappy with their husbands. While the mother’s were taught to work things out or suffer through it.
As for raising children all eight of the characters felt the same way. Which is they didn't want to raise they’re children how they were raised. This way of thinking caused quite a conflict. Then again in reality everyone thinks that way. They use the way they were raised as an example of what to do and what not to do. The daughters felt that their mothers were silly and had strange ways of thinking, but sometimes those ways of thinking were smart and useful.
Another difference is the generations ideas of family. The mother’s were raised to always do good to make their family proud. Also that they had couldn't disgrace the family otherwise they would be shunned. This happened to An-Mei Hsu’s mother. She was no longer welcome to the family after she disgraced it which was quite sad. This made the mother’s raise their own daughters to know that they would love them no matter what and they proved that. They were always there when their daughters needed them. Although many of the daughters didn't see it this way and often disliked being around their mothers. They did have a similar idea of family which is that the daughters were to take care of their parents in their old age. Most of the characters did exactly that no matter how much they couldn't stand their mothers.
In conclusion, the different generations do have different ideas and ways of dealing with issues, but in the end they all used the generation before them as an example. They did have some similarities though. Such as raising their children and about the importance of family. In the long run these ways of thinking are what kept the families together.

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