Saturday, September 27, 2014

Literary Analysis Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

1) This novel is initially told through the eyes of an adventurer named Robert Walton. On his journey through the northern ice he saves a man named Victor Frankenstein. Walton expresses his love for adventure to the stranger he encountered, so Frankenstein sees this as an opportunity to warn or give a lesson to Walton. After this the story is narrated by Victor Frankenstein as he tells Robert Walton of his adventures and discoveries.

2) The theme of this novel is everything comes with a price that must be paid. Victor Frankenstein did something that no man should be able to do. He did this out of pure curiosity. He eventually did pay the price for what he did. I think the author chose to write about this because it is a good lesson to learn. The unknown isn't known for a reason. Reasons that shouldn't be tested.

3) I chose this book because my favorite holiday is Halloween and Frankenstein's story is a huge part of that. This book has intrigued me since I was much younger than I am now. I have always wanted to read this book. What made me not want to put it down is because I know the outline of the story of Frankenstein, but like many people I didn't know what became of the monster in the end. This compelled me to read on and finish the book.

4) Of course this book isn't realistic. I mean to create man you need a soul and you can't make that out of scrapped body parts. I was unable to make any connections to this story because this book is fiction. Most of this book is unrealistic, but the message behind it was still a good lesson.

5) The authors tone was regret and shame. It was this because it was narrated by Victor Frankenstein who was confessing his choices and regrets to Robert Walton. "I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful energy, show signs of life and stir with an uneasy, half vital motion." "It was on a dreary night of November, that I beheld the accomplishments of my toils." "But I was a wretch, and none ever conceived of the misery that I then endured."

6) The whole story was told in a formal diction. Even when the author was using imagery to describe what the monster looked like which can be found in Chapter IV page 78. This helped strengthen my understanding of the author's purpose because it better expressed the disgust and amazement of the Victor Frankenstein.


1) Two examples of direct characterization are when the author describes Victor Frankenstein's father and his cousin Elizabeth Lavenza. Just by the things that these characters said I was able to tell what kind of personalities they had. Two examples of indirect characterization was when the author described Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein these characters developed and progressed throughout the story.

2) The author's diction does not change when different characters speak. They all have the same proper grammar and speech.

3) The protagonist is a dynamic character and round of course. The protagonist is dynamic because he changes a lot throughout the story. He goes from being curious to afraid of the unknown. His experience completely changed his character and way of thinking.

4) After reading this novel I feel like I met a new person. I was able to feel the panic and worry that Victor Frankenstein felt. I almost felt as though he was telling me his story and discoveries. I enjoyed this very much.

Enduring Memory:
Something from this novel that I will remember is the complete message behind it. I have always thought of myself as a curious person. Although, after reading this novel I think I might change that. Curiosity really does kill the cat. I will not spoil the ending, but I will say that this novel does not have a happy ending. "Like one who, on a lonely road, doth walk in fear and dread, and, having once turn'd round, walks on, and turns no more his head; because he knows a frightful fiend doth close behind him tread." (Shelley 83)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cupid and Psyche

Main Characters:
Cupid-tall, blonde, and handsome (a god) sometimes nice sometimes not
Psyche-really beautiful (human) sweet and naive
Aphrodite-beautiful (goddess) vain and evil

Cupid's house-luxurious gold, silver, and ivory palace, with exquisitely maintained gardens, crystal-clear fountains. Not to mention the twenty-four hour gourmet kitchen and invisible servants.

Main Plot:
Aphrodite is jealous that everyone thinks that Psyche is more beautiful or equally as beautiful as her. So Aphrodite tells her son Cupid to get Psyche to fall in love with a grubby red neck, so that she will be frowned upon rather than praised for her beauty.

Main Conflict:
When cupid goes to shoot Psyche with one of his arrows he gets stunned by her beauty and ends up accidentally poking himself with one of his own arrows. He then immediately falls in love with Psyche, but he flies away because he knows his mother wouldn't like that.

Attempts to Explain:
This myth attempts to explain the human flaw of of jealousy and being vain.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Latin Roots #3

Roots and Derivatives
  1. aud(it): hear
  2. avi: bird
  3. bell(i): war
  4. ben(e): good, well
Word List
  1. antebellum: before the war especially the American Civil War, typical of how things were before any war
  2. audit: to attend a class only as a listener, not for credit; to check or examine a company's financial records; the process of making such examinations
  3. auditory: related to the sense of hearing
  4. avian: characteristics of or pertaining to birds
  5. aviary: an elaborate structure for housing birds
  6. avionics: the technology of (using) electronic equipment in aviation, missilery, and space flight
  7. bellicose: eager to fight or quarrel; hostile
  8. belligerency: the condition of warlike hostility; a hostile action
  9. benefactor:a person who gives another (financial) help; a patron
  10. beneficiary: one who receives a benefit (of payment) as from an insurance policy
  11. benign: not malignant; gracious and kindly; good-natured
  12. inaudible: unable to be heard
  1. I love the band Lady Antebellum.
  2. The doctor in training had to audit the experienced doctors appointments.
  3. The old ladies auditory was decreasing over time.
  4. For the play the young girl had to learn to be avian to be the swan.
  5. The father was helping his young kids build an aviary.
  6. The college student was majoring in avionics.
  7. I was bellicose when my sister took my phone charger. 
  8. My sister's belligerency was asking for a fight.
  9. My mom wants to become a benefactor to help people.
  10. After the car accident the victim became a beneficiary.
  11. Even though my sister and I fight I still tell people that she is benign
  12. My hearing problems have made many things inaudible over time.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Latin Roots #2

Roots and Derivatives
  1. anni, annu, enni (year): anniversary, semiannual, biennial, bicentennial, annuity
  2. aqua, aque (water): aquatic, aqueduct, aquarium, aqualung, subaqueous, aquamarine
  3. arm (arm,weapon): army, alarm, disarm, armaments, armory, armor
  4. art (art, craft, skill): artistic, artificial, inarticulate, artmobile, article, artificer 
Word List
  1. aqua: the hue of the sea; bluish-green
  2. aquaculture: the cultivation of water plants and animals for human food
  3. aqueous: like, of, or formed by water; watery
  4. armada: fleet of warships
  5. armature: equipment or clothing for battle, or any protective covering; an arm like extension
  6. armistice: a temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreements, as a truce preliminary to a peace treaty
  7. artifact: any object produced by the art of the human hand; simple or primitive objects from the distant past
  8. artifice: cunning ingenuity; clever or sly trickery
  9. artisan: a person skilled at a craft, usually a handicraft
  10. millennium: a period of peace and great prosperity; a thousand years
  11. perennial: year after year; throughout the years; a plant that blooms annually
  12. superannuated: a worm out, or retired from age and years of use of hard work; obsolete or outdated
  1. The sunset reflected beautifully off of the aqua color of the sea.
  2. Vegetarians would not like the idea of aquaculture.
  3. The stain on the carpet was aqueous, so it wasn't anything to worry about.
  4. In history class we were learning about the french armada.
  5. Polices armature is their bullet proof vests.
  6. The enemies wrote a armistice just until they could gather more troops.
  7. The mother gave her daughter the family artifact from the late eighteen hundreds.
  8. Many magicians are artifice.
  9. My sister is artisan when it comes to art.
  10. The young girl felt like it took a millennium for the concert when it only took two months.
  11. The girls cancer decreased perennial, but her family was still worried.
  12. My grandfather can't wait to be superannuated because he has been working since he was seven years old.

Journal #5

Q: Why do so many young people want to be older and old people want to be younger?

A: So many young people want to be older because you have more freedom when you are older. First of all you can vote. You especially can get into clubs and drink. The best of all is that you can drive and go wherever you want without having to ask for permission. I know you have to have money to drive, but again when you are older you can have a job. Most places only hire eighteen and older.This is why so many young people want to be older. So many old people want to be young because you can do more things when you are young. When you are old you can't go on theme park rides or go out in the cold because of arthritis and pains and what not. You are at higher risks of having heart attacks and strokes. You also have to take many medications. This is why so many old people want to be young again. I personally like my age. I am just grateful that I have lived this long. I know fifteen years doesn't seem that long, but a lot of people are dying young now. Don't get me wrong I can't wait to be eighteen, but I also can't wait to be like eighty. So many people don't want to live until they are eighty because it's supposedly miserable, but people should be happy that they lived that long. When you're old you have stories to tell and life lessons to give. Which gives your life a purpose. People need to love their age no matter how old they are. Whether it be fifteen or eighty. You are fortunate to be alive.