Saturday, January 24, 2015

Will Musical Training Make You More Successful?

I do believe that musical training can make you more successful. Although, it really depends on the person at hand. As far as singing goes I do believe that every singer should have some sort of musical training because you do develop more skill and better your technique. My opinion does waver with instruments though. Some individuals don’t really need musical training with instruments because it can come natural. I see how some may think that my logic is backwards, but actually it’s not. Everyone can sing, but few can sing good. Which is why musical training is a necessity for singers. Studies have shown that children as young as the age of three were able to play instruments with no sort of lessons. This is why I believe that as far as singing goes people should definitely have musical training, but with instruments it’s more about passion.
I have had musical training as a singer and I feel like I really learned and improved on my skills. We learned to match pitch and how to read music which in the long run is really helpful. Most importantly though and this really bothers me when I hear professionals not do this is we learned to articulate. So many famous and well known singer who have never had musical training don’t know these skills. Which is why I personally don’t listen to music that everybody likes. How can you consider someone a good singer if sometimes you don’t even know what they are saying because they don’t articulate. If it weren’t for websites like A to Z lyrics I wouldn’t know any of the lyrics to most songs because you can’t even understand the singer. This is why I believe that musical training for singers would help them me more successful.
Now for musical training on instruments. I feel that you don’t need musical training or lessons on how to play an instrument. I was about three years old when I first sat down in front of a piano. As I pressed the keys I wasn’t just making noise my mom came up to me and said that I was making music. I didn’t just bang on the keys like a normal three year old would. I gently pressed each key with care. I was later given a piano of my own and any melody that I heard in a movie or TV commercial I would go to my piano and teach myself how to play the melody with success. I have what is called an ear for music. Now I can play any song and I have never had musical training for the piano. This is the case for other kids as well. I believe that it is all about passion. You can have all the training in the world for a specific instrument, but if your not passionate about playing it than you will never be as good as someone who has never had training but absolutely puts all of their heart into playing it.
In conclusion, I do believe that musical training can benefit singers. Although for musicians it isn’t really necessary if you can play it as soon as you pick it up. If you do play an instrument and want to take lessons because you feel like you can improve than of course go for it. Although I personally tried taking piano lessons and I was bored. I taught myself just fine and didn’t feel like the lessons were important. Except even if you are told you are a good singer you should still take musical training because it really will benefit you and help you be more successful.